sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Mr Pac-Man!

Arte inspirada em Pac-Man!


Arcade Combo by Glennz

Pet Feeder by Glennz

Pac-in-time / Concept watch by Benedetto Papi

Cherry Topiary by Glennz

Pac(k)man by David Schwen

Haunted House by Terry Fan

Vapor Chase by Mitch Loidolt

Amazeing Sunset by Phil Jones

Haunted Hedge Maze by Aled Lewis

The Madness of Mission 6 by Travis Pitts

Pac-man Pattern by David Schwen

Ghost Eater 1 by Florent Bocognani

Artist - Space Invader
Photographer - tofz4u

Dark Side of the Game by Phil Jones

Pacman on twitter by Scott Hampson

The Pac-Man skeleton was created by Le Gentil Garcon

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